
Please click on the lab members' pictures to learn more.

Jeremy Brown

Principal Investigator

j e m b r o w n [at] l s u . e d u

Office Phone: (225) 578-1745



Lyndon Coghill

Postdoctoral Researcher

l c o g h i l l [at] l s u . e d u


Teisha King

Teisha King

Ph.D. Student

t k i n g 2 1 [at] l s u . e d u

Genevieve Mount

Ph.D. Student

g m o u n t 1 [at] l s u . e d u

Amie Settlecowski

Amie Settlecowski

Ph.D. Student

a s e t t l 1 [at] l s u . e d u

Lauren Rodriguez

Lauren Rodriguez

Undergraduate Researcher Extraordinaire

Chancellor's Future Leader in Research

Ashley Schoonmaker

Ashley Schoonmaker

Undergraduate Researcher Extraordinaire


Struggling Ornithology Student

Gabe Brown

Struggling Ornithology Student


Assistant Data Analyst

Anna Brown (in sweater)

Assistant Data Analyst and Chief Snuggler




Lab Alumni


John Andersen

Graduate Student


Now a Watson Algorithms Developer for IBM


Jeremy Ash

Jeremy Ash (on L)

Research Associate


Now a graduate student in Bioinformatics at North Carolina State

Sarah Davis

Undergraduate Researcher and Research Associate


Now a Physics Teacher at St. Joseph's Academy


Vinson Doyle

Postdoctoral Researcher


Now an Asst. Professor in LSU's Dept. of Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology

v d o y l e [at] l s u . e d u


Kristen Jones

HHMI Undergraduate

(Summer 2012)

Chelsea Kliebert

Chelsea Kliebert

Undergraduate Researcher


Now a graduate student in Stanford's Chemical and Systems Biology program

David Morris (on L)

Master's Student

Now a Ph.D. student at the University of Cincinnati.

Brad Nelson

M.S. 2014

Now a Bioinformatics Specialist in the Eichler Lab at the Univ. of Washington

Randee Young

Undergraduate Researcher


Now a Ph.D. Student in the Sun Lab at the Univ. of Wisconsin

Guifang Zhou

Guifang Zhou

Postdoctoral Researcher


Now a Data Scientist with Weather Analytics